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How is AI In Recruitment Changing The Hiring Process?

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One of the primary issues for companies competing for talent in a global market is how to attract and hire the best employees. Human resource managers face an enormous challenge in sifting through hundreds of resumes to find qualified applicants for each open position.

Artificial Intelligence's Impact on the Hiring Process

Initial screening of applicants is the most challenging aspect of the recruitment process, according to around 55% of recruitment and talent acquisition specialists.

Recruiting becomes more efficient and productive if you can automate the screening stage or other repetitive tasks in the employment process.

Here's where the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in recruitment and human resource management comes into play, freeing recruiters to focus on finding the finest prospects rather than repeatedly performing mundane screening duties.

Innovative technological advancements like artificial intelligence (AI) are only one example of how quickly the world changes. Artificial intelligence is having a favorable impact on virtually every significant business. Recruiting is the same way!

One survey found that 37% of talent acquisition directors and recruiting managers say AI already affects their company's hiring practices.

Attracting top talent and saving time and money are just two of the many benefits HR departments see from adopting AI in the hiring process. Keep reading to learn about some other benefits of AI in the hiring process.

1. Time-saving

A recruiter's schedule will likely be full. Therefore, artificial intelligence helps recruiters save time by automating some of the more routine duties. Recruiters will benefit much from the increased use of automation in the hiring process.

An AI-enabled chatbot, for example, may handle routine applicant services like scheduling interviews and answering basic queries. A recruiter can rest assured that his task is done thoroughly and effectively if he uses this method. Some of the most successful companies worldwide have already begun to automate extending job offers to candidates.

2. Overcoming various types of bias

If a company wants to choose the most qualified people for available positions, it can eliminate biases that could otherwise confuse its decision-making.

We can use data describing the current workforce to identify patterns regarding performance, churn and what ideal candidates should be like. Be aware of bias encoded in existing datasets, such as gender imbalance. You easily fix such data biases by augmenting data using synthetic data generators to rebalance and include more women in your dataset.

Some applications of AI in human resources management aid in eliminating such prejudices. Using augmented writing technology, recruiters can use some tools to create ads that include all qualified candidates.

3. Identifying potential individuals

AI-powered software can easily mine public data, such as social media accounts, to reveal people's online personas. With this information, we can make additional forecasts.

Things like a candidate's acceptance rate and the kind of work he would be interested in would fall under this category.

Similarly, one can assess the credentials of new hires who have already started working for the organization. As a result, the software may identify individuals who share comparable traits and qualifications when all the data is integrated.

As a result, it is easy to zero in on people who are interested in any specific available job positions. The appropriate job ads can then be sent right to them.

4. Increases in candidate satisfaction

Let's look at the AI-driven chatbot from where we came from earlier in the article. The chatbot is available at all times to answer questions from potential employees.

This shows that the chatbot is a good way to help a candidate through the hiring process because it is available so often. A candidate gets immediate answers whenever he needs them. This is just one way that AI is used to improve the experience of candidates.

5. Help with Interviewing

Using AI for human resources streamlines the process of contacting potential applicants and screening, ranking, and shortlisting their resumes according to the characteristics most important to your business. Once you've compiled a list of potential interviewees, the chatbot can take on the role of coordinator.

Using an AI algorithm to evaluate a candidate's demeanor, mannerisms, word choice, and facial expressions in a video interview with predetermined questions is possible.

Companies like Google, Facebook, and Apple have been employing this technology in their hiring process for years since it increases the likelihood that new hires will be a good cultural match.

Now, even more, businesses like Capital One, Allstate, ThredUp, Hilton, and AT&T are utilizing this system.

6. Onboarding

Automatic background checks, document assembly for benefits, and offer letter templates are examples of how AI streamlines the onboarding process. AI may organize, print, and send onboarding papers during hiring.

The same holds for training documents, which are also time-consuming tasks when completed manually by the HR team.

AI-powered tools can ensure that all new hires receive copies of the documentation outlining company policies and login credentials. They can monitor document viewing, request electronic signatures and arrange follow-up meetings as needed.

AI Recruitment Challenges

AI has improved recruitment procedures in many ways, yet there are challenges and limitations that still needs to be overcome.

1. It requires a lot of data intelligence

This is essential for AI technology to work. This human-like intelligence requires a lot of data, programming, and structure, and it must be assessed often to ensure its value to the HR technology ecosystem.

2. It learns human bias

AI makes recruiting more cost-effective, focused, and efficient by helping employers sort through vast amounts of applicants, but its reliance on unintentionally biased selection patterns like language and demographics may encourage biased hiring.
Due to its restricted data sets, many data specialists believe predictive AI reinforces the status quo.

3. It's inhumane

Some portions of a candidate's selection process are only understandable by humans. An AI can assess applicants' surface-level talents and abilities but cannot grasp their social life, family orientation, moral beliefs, and other comparable elements.

This shows the lack of human touch. The AI ignores several traits, although the candidate would have benefited the organization.

4. It cannot accurately screen candidates

Computer science is scientific and objective, although mistakes can happen. In the spirit of fairness and impartiality, AI may ignore important traits or eliminate resourceful individuals when humans make mistakes.

Recruiters may struggle to examine large application pools. AI can help, but only if job profile data is entered.

Final words

AI is becoming more popular in recruitment because it has a lot of promise to automate low-value, high-volume tasks that still take a lot of time and attention. AI for recruitment can automate some tasks that are currently done manually, but it still can't do everything.

AI can't take over jobs that require people skills, understanding, and the ability to negotiate. It can't fully replace human skills; it can only be used to improve them. It can already do things like screen resumes that don't add much value, but it's still unclear how far AI can go to replace a recruiter's ability to talk to and question applicants.

This article is written by Samar Mahapatra, He is one of india's top 50 CHROs and is a seasoned HR consultant with over 31 years of experience across diverse sectors. He serves as an advisor to several institutions and receives numerous national and international HR awards.For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com.

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