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Communication Games for Teams: Enhancing Engagement and Collaboration

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Effective communication is the cornerstone of a successful workplace. Without a robust communication system, an organization’s effectiveness falters, hindering its long-term objectives. It plays a vital role in developing a workplace culture that is transparent and unified at all levels, shaping a cohesive and collaborative team.

Key Takeaways

  1. Communication Games for teams are an effective way to improve and increase collaboration and decision-making within teams.
  2. These games can be played both virtually and physically.
  3. Organizations can invest in their effort in increasing the frequency of communication games.

But what more can you do besides your usual efforts to improve communication? This is where communication games for teams come into play.

In this article, we will explore a comprehensive list of communication games that you can use to enhance your teams' interactions. This list is carefully curated to promote a positive and engaging work environment while incorporating the element of fun.

What do you mean by Communication Games for Teams?


Communication games for teams are interactive activities or exercises intended to develop communication skills in a group or team setting. These games are designed to improve-

  • The overall interaction between team members.

  • Foster active listening.

  • Increase verbal and non-verbal communication.

  • Enhance teamwork and problem-solving.

  • Create a sense of empathy among team members.

Such games aim to develop a supportive and engaging workplace where team members can help each other. These games allow people to engage, share their thoughts and ideas, and learn from one another in a fun and dynamic setting.

Recommended Resource: 38 Quick and Easy Team Building Activities Your Employees Will Love (+How to Play)

Communication Games for Teams That Are Super Entertaining!


There are several games that you can try out to enhance your organization’s communication effectiveness. But you must search a lot to pick the best out of the lot. However, your search ends here. Below is a list of the most popular games we think will make things work for you. So, let’s delve in.

I. Icebreaker Games


Icebreaker games are ideal for breaking the ice and getting team members acquainted. They foster a casual and welcoming environment that encourages open dialogue. But where do you start with them? Here are some great examples of icebreaker games that will help you build team communication:

A. Two Truths and a Lie

Each team member shares three statements about themselves, two of which are true and one false. The rest of the team must determine which statements are false. The motive behind this game is to create a connection between the team members and spark conversation.

B. Human Bingo

A bingo sheet containing various characteristics or experiences is provided to each team member. They interact and connect with their coworkers to find someone who matches each of their characteristics, fostering conversation and discovery.

C. Desert Island Scenario

Let the team imagine being stranded on a deserted island. Create a group of 3 or 4 members. Each group must collectively decide on the five most important items to survive. This particular activity allows good brainstorming, developing teamwork, and strategic decision-making skills.

D. The Perfect Square

The idea of this game is that teams have to create a perfect square without speaking with the help of a rope or string. This game emphasizes teamwork, non-verbal communication, and enhanced problem-solving skills.

E. Picture Pieces

Each team member is given a puzzle piece without seeing the complete picture. The team members must communicate effectively to assemble the puzzle and complete the picture. This enhances the team's understanding and enables them to think outside of the box.

II. Verbal Communication Games:


Verbal communication games are designed to improve verbal communication skills, develop active listening, and increase clarity. Consider incorporating the following team communication games into your activities:

A. Telephone:

A traditional game in which a message is whispered from one person to the next sitting in a circle. The final individual delivers the message, emphasizing the need for effective communication and active listening.

B. Storytelling Relay

In this game, the teams stand in a circle, and one person begins a story with a single sentence. Each team member adds a sentence to the story, expanding on what has come before. This game promotes attentive listening, excellent storytelling, innovative thinking, and teamwork.

C. Broken Phone:

The game is similar to Telephone but with a twist. Teams form a line, and the first person whispers a message to the next person, who whispers it to the person after that. The final individual discloses the message, emphasizing the significance of clarity and the impact of miscommunication.

D. Guess the Emotion:

Teams take turns acting out different emotions while others try to guess which emotion is being depicted. Not only is this game fun to play, but it also enhances nonverbal communication abilities. The team members must convey the message through signals and signs. In addition, it improves emotional intelligence and understanding of team members' feelings.

E. Debate Club:

In this game, teams get to engage with each other in friendly debates on various topics. This encourages effective augmentation, good verbal skills, and active listening. Moreover, it fosters critical thinking while respecting each other through good communication.

Be mindful of the topics you include in the debate club. Keep them inclusive and neutral so that it does not create conflicts.

III. Non-Verbal Communication Games:


Nonverbal communication games improve nonverbal indicators, body language, and gestures. They encourage team members to perceive and interpret nonverbal cues. Consider the following games:

A. Mime Game:

The mime game is a classic one to include in the list. The teams take turns acting out different scenarios without using any words. Team members have to guess the actions and give the correct answer. The focus of this game is to sharpen non-verbal communication skills, teamwork, and creative expression.

B. Pictionary

We think this is a game everyone in the workplace knows well. This is one of our favorites, and we often try this in our free time. It’s easy to play, and the best part is that it is also virtually available. The teams compete against each other, with one person drawing a word or phrase while the others try to guess it.

The idea of this game is to foster collaboration, instill creativity, and sharpen the team members' understanding.

C. Charades

The Evergreen Charades had to make a list; otherwise, it would not have been fun. It is similar to Pictionary but without drawing. One person silently acts out a word or phrase while the others guess. The team with the most correct answers wins the game. Charades strengthen team bonding and quick thinking.

D. Facial Expressions

This game might be a new one for a lot of people. In this game, teams practice expressing different emotions solely through facial expressions. This exercise aims to enhance the team member's ability to understand their team members without any conversation. It focuses on empathy and the ability to read and interpret emotions accurately.

E. Body Language Detective:

This one is interesting. Depending on the number of people, you can divide the team into groups of two or three. Once the teams are set, each member will observe and analyze various body language cues displayed by team members or provided in scenarios. They discuss and interpret the meaning behind body language, highlighting the importance of non-verbal
communication and enhanced teamwork.

IV. Collaborative Problem-Solving Games:


Collaborative problem-solving games are designed to increase teamwork, decision-making, and problem-solving skills. These games foster an environment in which communication is essential for success. Consider the games listed below:

A. Tower Building Challenge:

This game aims to improve effective communication, prompt cooperation, and strategic thinking of team members. Teams are given limited resources to construct the tallest tower possible within a set time frame. The team with the tallest tower wins the game showcasing their creativity.

B. Escape Room:

This game aims to lock a team in a room filled with a series of puzzles and riddles. Team members must unify and solve the puzzles to escape the room within a time limit. This promotes teamwork, critical thinking, and collaboration under pressure.

C. Bridge Building:

The teams are tasked with constructing a bridge but with limited materials. However, the catch is that the bridge has to support a specific weight. The team members must communicate and collaborate to ensure the bridge is stable and withstand the weight. In the long run, this builds out-of-the-box thinking, innovation, and team unity.

D. Minefield:

You need to create a minefield(imaginary), and teams must navigate through it. Only one of the team members knows the exact point of the mine. The rest of the team has to rely on that person’s information. This game emphasizes clear and concise communication, trust, and active listening.

E. Treasure Hunt:

This is an interactive and fun game that will help break the monotony of work. The teams involved must work together to solve clues and find hidden treasures. The hidden treasures can include small gifts and gift cards. This game improves team communication, coordination, and problem-solving skills.

You can keep grand rewards for the team with the most hidden treasures captured.

V. Technology-Assisted Communication Games:


Leveraging technology to improve team communication in today’s digital world is vital. And to make the most out of it, consider including these technology-assisted communication games listed below.

Before checking out the games, remember that these will be most helpful for remote teams.

A. Online Quiz:

A variety of tools are available for you to conduct an online and interactive quiz for your team. The best thing about using them is that they allow you the flexibility to incorporate any topic you want.

In addition, you can generate the correct report for each team that has scored the most. An online quiz tests your team’s knowledge-sharing capability and the way they interact with each other. Moreover, it also promotes teamwork and friendly competition within the team.

B. Virtual Scavenger Hunt:

The virtual scavenger hunt is an interesting and mind-testing activity. Teams have to compete in a hunt for specific items or information online. You can list items the teams must collect, and the team that discovers them first wins the game.

This game encourages good teamwork and enhances resourcefulness while improving communication within the team.

C. Video Conferencing Role-Play:

You start the game with the help of any video conferencing tools. The team is given a scenario, and each member is assigned a role. The game ends when each member fulfills their duty and completes the desired conquest. This game enhances virtual communication skills, active listening, and on-spot adaptability.

D. Collaborative Document Editing:

Share any random document with your team using online platforms like Google Docs. The aim of this game is to test the teamwork skills of your teammates. Ask them to edit the document and check whether they were able to meet the requirements. This enhances collaboration, seamless communication, teamwork, and critical thinking in real-time on a project.

Reflection and Discussion:


Following the completion of communication games, it is critical to encourage meaningful dialogues and reflections. Encourage individuals to discuss their own experiences, difficulties, and lessons learned. Create an open communication platform where team members may communicate their thoughts and opinions about how the games enhanced their communication skills and broad participation.


Team communication games provide a dynamic and interesting way to improve employee communication skills while fostering a healthy work atmosphere. Teams can increase cooperation, successful collaboration, and employee engagement by including icebreaker games, verbal and nonverbal communication games, collaborative problem-solving games, and technology-assisted communication games. Accept the transforming power of communication games in your team's relationship-building and overall success.


1. Why are communication games important for team building?

A. Communication games are important for team building because they create opportunities for team members to practice effective communication, develop trust, and improve their understanding of one another. These games promote a positive and supportive team environment.

2. How do communication games improve interpersonal skills?

A. Communication games improve interpersonal skills by encouraging team members to actively listen, express their thoughts and ideas clearly, and practice empathy. These games also provide opportunities for resolving conflicts and building stronger relationships within the team.

3. How can communication games improve problem-solving abilities in teams?

A. Communication games improve problem-solving abilities in teams by fostering effective communication, encouraging brainstorming, and promoting teamwork. These games challenge teams to work together, think creatively, and find innovative solutions to problems while enhancing their communication skills.

4. How do communication games promote active listening in teams?

A. Communication games promote active listening in teams by requiring participants to listen carefully to instructions, verbal cues, or other team members' contributions. Through these games, team members learn the importance of attentive listening, which leads to better understanding and improved communication within the team.

5. How can communication games improve non-verbal communication skills?

A Communication games can improve non-verbal communication skills by focusing on body language, gestures, and facial expressions. Games such as "Mirror Game," "Emotional Charades," and "Non-Verbal Pictionary" require team members to communicate without using words, encouraging them to be more observant, expressive, and aware of non-verbal cues.

Mrinmoy Rabha is a content writer and digital marketer at Vantage Circle. He is an avid follower of football and passionate about singing. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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