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How Corporate Education Can Enhance Your Employee Experience

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Today, humans receive more information in a few days than they received in a lifetime in the last century. The dynamic external environment forces constant improvement. Often the knowledge received at university is not enough, and corporate education comes to the rescue.

Corporate education of personnel is a way for the organization's employees to gain new knowledge and improve their skills. Almost all areas of activity require constant learning of new information.

Accountants need to be aware of changes in tax law, sales managers need to know all the subtleties of the goods and services offered, and all marketers need to keep abreast of new promotion ways. Companies even seek the help of essay writers to improve employees' writing skills.

When is Corporate Education Necessary?

The goals of corporate education are understandable in terms of common sense.

A manager has subordinates with whom he has to solve the division's tasks. It is great if their experience, knowledge, and skills allow the unit to cope with the tasks successfully.

Then a manager can avoid the corporate teaching of the staff. If experience, knowledge, and skills are lacking, then the manager must either terminate imperfect employees or improve the existing ones.

Those who have played computer games know that sometimes you can't do without leveling up the game character to achieve the desired results.

Game logic is borrowed from real life. In order for employees to be able to solve the tasks facing the company or division, they need to be improved. This is the purpose of corporate education.

The logic of making decisions about the advisability of investing in employee improvement is determined by a limited list of corporate training tasks. They are divided into two groups - the tasks of training and personnel development.

What Are The End Goals Of Corporate Education?

Corporate training refers to achieving and maintaining a level of knowledge and skill that is necessary and sufficient for an employee to perform their current job effectively.

Corporate education is necessary when an employee's current knowledge, skills, and experience are insufficient to handle the work assigned to them, or they cannot be allowed to work without appropriate training. The objectives of the training include:

  1. Training of new employees
  2. Eliminating deficiencies in the competencies of current employees
  3. Execution of normative-legal acts, establishing requirements for qualifications

Personnel development means gaining knowledge and skills necessary for solving tasks unrelated to the employee's current work. But they will definitely be needed in the future. Personnel development tasks include:

  1. Preparation of the employee to occupy another position
  2. Ensuring the solution of new tasks associated with changes in the content or conditions of the employee's work caused by organizational or technological changes in the company (mastering new equipment, implementation of new technologies, development, and implementation of new projects)

Corporate education aims to improve employees' skills and working potential and also represents a serious investment in a steadily growing, successful business.

How To Start A Corporate Education Program?

This is not difficult - in justifying the need to invest money in upgrading subordinates, managers must specify the following:

  1. Tasks of training or development that are solved by corporate education
  2. Management problem which is to be solved by the training (launch of new equipment, reduction of the accident rate, etc.).
  3. Term of solution of the management task (the introduction of new equipment, the date of transfer of the employee to another position, etc.).

Only after evaluating the employees' current knowledge, skills, and experience can leaders decide whether or not to train them.

But what exactly qualifies as an evaluation? A manager's report or the findings of a particular tool check? It is up to the company's management.

5 Principles Of Corporate Education

You can improve the quality of decisions about corporate education by checking their compliance with the following principles:

  • Principle of effectiveness. Corporate education should solve a specific management problem. It is not worth spending money on corporate training without a clear idea of the terms and expected results.
  • Principle of timeliness. Corporate education should be carried out when the acquired knowledge and skills will be in demand. The completion of corporate education should not be too far away from the point at which the employees can put the new knowledge and skills to use.
  • Principle of demand. Knowledge and skills must be in demand in work. Otherwise, it is a useless expense and the risk of leaving the employee with extra competencies that cannot apply. This is especially important when implementing projects of training the personnel reserve.
  • Principle of need and sufficiency. The cost, duration of corporate education, and the amount of acquired knowledge and skills for the task that needs to be solved by corporate training should match. You are unlikely to consider a three-day accounting seminar in Cyprus consistent with this principle, especially if you do not participate.
  • Principle of consistency. The content and expected outcome of the corporate training should be agreed upon with the managers (up to the service level) and the employees undergoing the corporate training.

Suppose there are doubts that the planned activity on corporate training does not comply with the principles listed above. In that case, it makes sense to consider whether it is an effective means of solving the management problem. The approach described allows for effective management of the corporate training budget.


The importance of corporate education has long been proven by scientific research.

Companies spend a lot of money on corporate personnel training because qualified employees do their work faster and better, which increases business efficiency. In addition, corporate training positively affects employee loyalty and improves team relations.

The company can carry out corporate training of employees internally and with the help of outside organizations. And in either case, the effectiveness of corporate training depends on the trainer's professionalism, listeners' interest, established feedback, and the opportunity to work off the knowledge in practice.

After its completion, it is very important to assess whether it was helpful for the participants.

Andrew Wilson is a skilled writer with experience in content marketing, technologies, digital marketing, branding strategies, and marketing trends. All this helps him to deliver professional articles to an audience and build a strong feedback rate through the readers. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com.

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