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48 Employee Survey Questions About Management To Ask

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Good managers are among a company's most valuable assets. They are essential for team building, productivity, and managing employees both individually and collectively. Poor management, on the other hand, can disrupt an entire organization, leading to dissatisfaction, disengagement, and high employee turnover. This dynamic is captured well by the saying: "Employees don't leave companies; they leave their managers."

Thus, it's vital to assess how management affects your team. One effective way to gain insights into management practices is through employee surveys. These management surveys are designed to help you retain talented employees by identifying and addressing management issues.

This blog post will explore a comprehensive list of employee survey questions specifically focused on management. Whether you're an HR professional, a business owner, or a manager looking to improve your team's working relationships, these survey questions can be an invaluable tool in creating a positive and productive work environment that helps in employee satisfaction and loyalty.

Source: Mckinsey

1. Questions about Communication

Effective communication is a fundamental skill for any successful manager. Clear, consistent, and open communication builds trust, promotes transparency, and ensures that employees understand their roles, responsibilities, and expectations. Poor communication, on the other hand, can lead to misunderstandings, confusion, and a breakdown in the manager-employee relationship. By including questions about communication in employee surveys, organizations can identify areas where managers may need additional training or support to improve their communication skills.

Harris Poll
Source:Harris Poll

Survey Questions on Communication:

  1. Does your manager communicate expectations, goals, and deadlines?

  2. Does your manager regularly update you about significant organizational changes or developments?

  3. Does your manager encourage open and honest communication, allowing you to voice your concerns or ideas without fear of retaliation?

  4. Does your manager actively listen and consider your input or feedback during discussions?

  5. Does your manager communicate respectfully and professionally, avoiding offensive or demeaning language?

  6. Does your manager provide constructive feedback in a timely and helpful manner to support your professional growth?

  7. Does your manager effectively communicate the company's vision, values, and goals, ensuring alignment with your work?

  8. Does your manager tailor their communication style to suit different individuals or situations, ensuring that information is conveyed effectively?

2. Questions about Leadership


As per a recent study by DDI, only 46% of employees trust their manager to do what's right, which drops to 32% for senior leaders. A manager's leadership abilities are crucial to the team's performance. Strong leadership inspires employees, promotes a positive work culture, and drives success. Conversely, poor leadership can lead to low morale, lack of direction, and decreased productivity and performance. By including questions about leadership in employee surveys, organizations can decipher how effectively the managers are performing their roles and identify areas for improvement or development.

Survey Questions on Leadership:

  1. Does your manager demonstrate a clear vision and direction for the team or department?

  2. Does your manager lead by example, embodying the values and behaviours expected from the team?

  3. Does your manager make decisions fairly and transparently, considering input from the team?

  4. Does your manager encourage innovation, creativity, and calculated risk-taking to drive progress?

  5. Does your manager effectively delegate tasks and responsibilities, empowering team members to take ownership?

  6. Does your manager actively promote professional development and growth opportunities for team members?

  7. Does your manager foster a collaborative and inclusive environment, valuing diverse perspectives?

  8. Does your manager display resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges or changing circumstances?

3. Questions about Support and Development


According to Harvard Business Review, 86% of employees say they'd switch jobs for one with more chances to grow.
Support and development are critical aspects of management that directly impact employee satisfaction and growth. Employees value managers who actively support their professional growth and development. By assessing these areas, organizations can ensure that managers effectively contribute to their employees' growth, essential for retaining top talent and maintaining a competitive edge in the industry.

Survey Questions on Support and Development:

  1. Does your manager give you opportunities to take on challenging assignments or projects that help you develop new skills?

  2. Does your manager actively encourage you to pursue professional development opportunities, such as training programs, workshops, or conferences?

  3. Does your manager provide regular feedback and coaching to help you improve your performance and address areas for growth?

  4. Does your manager have meaningful career development discussions, helping you identify and work towards your professional goals?

  5. Does your manager advocate for your advancement or promotion when appropriate opportunities arise?

  6. Does your manager create an environment that encourages learning from mistakes and fosters a growth mindset?

  7. Does your manager recognize and celebrate your achievements, acknowledging your professional growth and development?

  8. Does your manager provide access to resources (e.g., mentors, training materials, networking opportunities) that support your career development?

4. Questions about Work-Life Balance


Did you know 94% of employees think work-life balance is important?
Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for employee well-being, productivity, and overall job satisfaction. Managers play a significant role in promoting and supporting a culture that values work-life balance, as their actions and policies can significantly impact an employee's ability to manage their professional and personal responsibilities effectively.

By including questions about work-life balance in employee surveys, organizations can check whether managers are creating an environment that fosters a sustainable and healthy work-life dynamic.

Survey Questions on Work-Life Balance:

  1. Does your manager respect and support your need for work-life balance?

  2. Does your manager encourage you to take regular breaks, vacations, or time off when needed?

  3. Does your manager understand the importance of personal and family commitments outside work?

  4. Does your manager provide flexible work arrangements (e.g., remote work, flexible hours) to accommodate personal needs when possible?

  5. Does your manager set realistic goals and workloads, avoiding excessive overtime or unreasonable demands?

  6. Does your manager lead by example, modelling healthy work-life balance practices?

  7. Does your manager create an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing work-life balance concerns or challenges?

  8. Does your manager actively promote resources or initiatives that support employee well-being and work-life balance (e.g., employee assistance programs and wellness activities)?

Also Read: Hybrid Workplace: Is it the New Future?

5. Questions about Manager Effectiveness

Pulse Dashboard
Source: Vantage Pulse

Manager effectiveness is crucial for organizations to identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. Effective managers can significantly impact employee engagement, productivity, and retention rates, while ineffective managers can lead to decreased morale, high turnover, and even legal or compliance issues. Thus, including questions about manager effectiveness becomes all the more critical in employee surveys so that HR can take remedial steps if they see something amiss.

Source: Achievers

Survey Questions on Manager Effectiveness:

  1. Overall, how would you rate the effectiveness of your manager?

  2. Does your manager consistently meet deadlines and achieve set goals or objectives?

  3. Does your manager demonstrate strong problem-solving and decision-making skills?

  4. Does your manager effectively manage conflicts or disputes within the team or department?

  5. Does your manager provide clear direction and guidance to ensure tasks and projects are completed successfully?

  6. Does your manager efficiently allocate resources (e.g., budgets, personnel, equipment) to support the team's or department's needs?

  7. Does your manager demonstrate a strong understanding of the organization's policies, procedures, and compliance requirements?

  8. Does your manager actively seek feedback and suggestions for improvement from team members or colleagues?

6. Questions about Diversity and Inclusion

Image showcasing Diversity.png

Promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace is not only an ethical requirement but also a business requirement. A diverse and inclusive environment promotes different perspectives, drives creativity, and ensures all employees feel valued and respected. Managers play a crucial role in creating and sustaining a culture of diversity and inclusion, and their actions and attitudes can significantly impact employees' sense of belonging and psychological safety. By including questions about diversity and inclusion in employee surveys, organizations can assess whether managers effectively promote and embrace these values.

According to Glassdoor, 67% of job seekers feel workplace diversity is imperative while looking for job opportunities. Also, 50% of employees want their companies to focus more on increasing workplace diversity.

Survey Questions on Diversity and Inclusion:

  1. Does your manager demonstrate a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in decision-making?

  2. Does your manager create an environment where employees feel comfortable expressing their diverse perspectives and ideas?

  3. Does your manager actively work to eliminate bias, discrimination, or microaggressions in the workplace?

  4. Does your manager promote equal opportunities for growth and advancement, regardless of an individual's background or identity?

  5. Does your manager demonstrate cultural competence and sensitivity towards different cultures, beliefs, and traditions?

  6. Does your manager actively seek to build a diverse and inclusive team, recognizing the value of diverse perspectives and experiences?

  7. Does your manager address and resolve any incidents of discrimination, harassment, or exclusion promptly and appropriately?

  8. Does your manager provide training or resources to enhance the team's understanding and appreciation of diversity and inclusion?


Good managers are vital to keeping employees happy and sticking around. Employee surveys to get feedback on communication, leadership, work-life balance, and more can help companies identify management issues. Addressing those problems head-on by training managers better is worth the effort.

Investing in solid management pays off big time. It helps attract and keep top talent, boosts innovation, and sets a company up for significant success over the long haul. Don't let ineffective managers drive people out the door. Make developing excellent management skills a top priority instead.

Supriya Gupta is a member of the Content team at Vantage Circle. She is passionate about sports, news, climate change, and the power of storytelling. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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