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10 Great Ways to Make Your People Feel Valued at Work

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Most companies give lip service to the idea that they value their employees. But do they “really value” their greatest asset- their people?

New research cited that 43% of employees don’t feel valued by their employer.

Eye-opening and concerning, right!

After all, feeling valued at work is so crucial. Without this, employees are unlikely to go above and beyond or feel loyal to their workplace. Simply put, they’ll become disengaged.

Employees who feel valued are collectively the most significant thing that can happen to your company. And we seriously mean it.

People who feel valued by their company display some unique characteristics such as these:

  • Higher job satisfaction

  • Happy and engaged

  • Greater productivity and performance

In this blog, we’ll delve into more benefits of making your employees feel valued. But most importantly, we’ll explore some fantastic ways to make people feel valued at work.

Key Takeaways

  1. 10 Great Ways to Make Your Employees Feel Valued at Work
  2. 5 Key Benefits of Making Employees Feel Valued

10 Great Ways to Make Your People Feel Valued at Work

1. Reward & Recognize Your Employees

Employee Recognition

40% of employees rate recognition from managers as the most impactful on their overall employee experience.

Yes, you’ve read it right!

Recognition is important for making your employees feel valued and enhancing their overall employee experience. And if the recognition comes from a senior leader of the organization, that’s even better. In fact, Gallup research found that 24% of employees say their most memorable recognition came from the CEO.

Now, apart from “who” is recognizing, “how” your employees are being recognized is equally crucial.

In our opinion, recognition should be timely, specific, and aligned with your company’s values to have a meaningful impact. Be it public acknowledgment, tailored rewards, or thoughtful gestures, the way recognition is delivered plays a crucial role in building a culture of appreciation.

The most crucial aspect of recognition is stimulating the neural network. Whether monetary or non-monetary, what truly matters is how recognition makes our employees feel.
~Dr. Parvesh Toran, Head of Total Rewards, Performance & People Analytics, RAKBANK

To help you in recognizing and rewarding your employees in the right way, there are a couple of great Rewards & Recognition platforms.

You’ll be interested to know that numerous organizations are seeking assistance from Rewards & Recognition platforms to appreciate their employees meaningfully. Vantage Circle is one such award-winning platform you must consider for your R&R initiatives.

2. Offer Growth Opportunities and Count your Employees’ Opinions

A. Offer Learning and Development Opportunities

Offer Opportunities

87% of millennials believe learning and development in the workplace is crucial. But the same report found that 74% of surveyed employees feel they aren’t reaching full potential at work due to lack of development opportunities.

No matter what, learning & development opportunities for your employees are very important in today’s time. In fact, it’s safe to say that it’s their right. Without it, it’s going to be difficult for you to attract and retain your employees for a long time.

Given that, how do you provide them with these opportunities.

Well, we’ve a couple of ideas.

  • Why not set up some interesting training sessions? Your employees will pick up new skills and feel awesome about it.

  • Or how about sending someone to that big industry conference? They’ll come back buzzing with fresh ideas.

  • You can also assist them in enrolling into mentorship programs.

When your team members see you’re investing in them, they’ll be pumped to give their best and make a difference in their organization.

B. Seek Your Employees’ Input

A Gallup report states that,

80% of employees who say they have received meaningful feedback in the past week are fully engaged.

A culture of feedback in any work environment is vital. People will be more involved and proactive in their jobs when they know that their opinions count. Ultimately employees will be more empowered and confident about the values they bring to the culture.

Managers need to offer the right feedback at the right time to the team members. To make people feel valued at work, managers should extend constructive feedback about their respective performances.

C. Conduct Employee Satisfaction Surveys

Employee satisfaction survey are structured questionnaires or sets of questions designed to assess how content and fulfilled employees feel across all aspects of work.

These surveys meticulously analyze the employee experience, from company culture to manager relationships and everything in between.

Regular satisfaction surveys, whether monthly, quarterly, or annually, offer a reliable pulse check for your organization. It can be of great help while you're trying to assess how happy your employees are.


Source: Vantage Pulse

If you want honest and valuable feedback from employee satisfaction surveys, ensure anonymity and encourage open-ended responses.

3. Well-being

A. Work-life Balance

Work-life Balance

Balance is not better time management, but better boundary management. Balance means making choices and enjoying those choices.”
~Betsy Jacobson.

Work-life balance isn't just about equal hours for work and play. It's about smart prioritizing. It means giving the right attention to both your job and personal life.

Work-life balance is crucial for everyone, including your employees. Without it, your employees may struggle to stay engaged and productive. In fact, if they don’t receive the flexibility and balance, they need, they’ll likely feel overwhelmed and eventually seek opportunities elsewhere where their personal well-being is prioritized.

B. Offer Benefits

Offer Benefits

As per a study conducted by Forbes,

40% of employers say they believe workers leave their job to find employment that offers better benefits.

Gone are the days when a good salary was enough to impress employees. Nowadays, people are paying close attention to what companies offer beyond just the paycheck.

That's where employee benefits come in. They're not just extras. They're a big deal.

In one of their recent articles, Forbes listed a couple of advantages of offering benefits to your employees. According to the article, some of the advantages are:

  • Attracting top talent

  • Keeping employees motivated

  • Improving loyalty and employee satisfaction

  • Ensuring the good health of employees

  • Reducing employee turnover

And we completely agree with these!

Read Our Blog On What are Fringe Benefits: Example, Benefits and Taxation

4. Respect and Listen

A. Listen to their Ideas

Listen to Ideas

Got a suggestion box? Great! Now, you must use it.

Gather your team for a brainstorming session. You might be surprised by the golden ideas hiding in plain sight. When an employee's idea gets implemented, make sure everyone knows who the genius behind is. It's like giving them a megaphone to say, "Hey, I matter here!"

Try the "Two-Minute Rule" in meetings. If someone has a question or comment that can be addressed in two minutes or less, handle it on the spot. For anything that needs more time, schedule a follow-up.

B. Trust and Empower

As per Harvard Business Review’s Research Summary,

Companies that are actively involved in promoting employee empowerment have more productive employees who deliver highly creative work with job satisfaction.

Micromanaging is so last century. Instead, hand over the reins and watch your team soar. Let them choose how to tackle their projects. When they hit a snag, resist the urge to swoop in. Your trust is like a superpower. It'll make them more confident and creative.

Plus, you might just discover your next team leader in the process.

Also listen to our Podcast on: Driving Habits and Behaviors with Rewards and Recognition

5. Small Gestures

A. Celebrate Milestones

Celebrating Milestones.png

Regularly celebrating personal and professional employee milestones such as work anniversaries, birthdays, and project completions is a great way to show appreciation. These celebrations can take the form of informal gatherings with snacks and drinks, creating a relaxed environment where everyone can enjoy each other's company.

For remote teams, virtual celebrations can be just as effective. With video calls, online games, or even sending care packages to make the occasion special. Recognizing these important moments fosters a sense of belonging.

Incorporate personalized touches into your milestone celebrations.

B. Break Room Treats

Upgrade your break room to enhance employee well-being and productivity. Offer a curated selection of nutritious snacks and beverages that support mental alertness and physical health.

You may consider introducing a rotating menu sometimes. Like seasonal fruits or healthy alternatives to keep things interesting. Such an approach demonstrates a commitment to your team's overall wellness.

By investing in quality refreshments, you're nourishing a culture of care and creativity.

Consider adding comfortable seating and recreational activities to your break room.

6. Personalized Engagements

A. Understanding their Motivations

Every employee is unique. Take time to discover what truly drives each team member. Is it public recognition, tackling complex challenges, or feeling a sense of purpose?

You can tailor your management approach by understanding these individual motivations. This personalized touch shows you value each person's distinct contributions and aspirations.

B. Interact with your Employees OFTEN

If your employees are feeling undervalued, they’ll eventually leave. But before leaving they’ll certainly exhibit signs of disengagement and helplessness.

It’s your responsibility to identify that and address the issues faced by your team members.

A recent Gallup analysis can assist you in understanding the connection between feeling valued and employee retention.

Source: Gallup

The study found that 30% of employees would have stayed if they had received additional compensation or benefits.

But beyond that, 21% said more positive interpersonal interactions with their managers would have made them feel valued enough to remain.

So, you see, feeling valued goes beyond monetary compensation. It can also be about the everyday interactions and organizational support that make employees feel seen and appreciated

7. Teamwork and Community

A. Team Building Opportunities

A survey by Team Building Hub,

Team Building Statistics

Organize events that bring people together in a relaxed setting. It could range from problem-solving challenges to social outings. These activities help

  • break down silos

  • improve communication, and

  • build trust among team members

The bonds formed during these events often translate into better collaboration and a more positive work atmosphere.

B. Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Consider organizing team volunteer events or offering paid time off for charitable work. It allows your employees to give back to causes they care about, which boosts morale and personal fulfillment.

At the same time, it strengthens team bonds through shared experiences outside the office.

8. Transparency and Communication

A. Share Company Goals

Company Goals

Share your company’s big dreams with your team. Let them in on where you’re headed and how their work fits in.

You might say, “Here’s our plan, and you’re a key player!”

When you update them on progress, you’re not just sharing information. You’re building a shared sense of purpose.

B. Open Communication Channels

A LinkedIn report states that,

80% of employees believe that employee communication is crucial.

You must establish accessible pathways for your employees to provide feedback and share ideas. You must also consider implementing

  • Suggestion systems

  • Digital platforms

  • Open door policies with leadership

Encourage your team to voice their thoughts and demonstrate that you value their input.

Implement an integrated HR Management System (HRMS) that includes tools for feedback and communication. Such technologies enhances communication and support data-driven decisions.

C. Conduct Regular Meetings

Get your team together often. It can be for a quick chat or bigger company meetings. Use this time to share news, celebrate wins, and tackle issues. Mix up the style to keep it interesting.

The key is to keep talking regularly. It's like a company check-in that keeps everyone on the same page. These meetings help build an open and united team culture.

9. Invest in their Workspace

A. Ergonomics


As per BOSTONtec, ergonomic workstations improve cycle time by 18% and lean processes by 27%.

You must prioritize your team's physical comfort in the workspace. Invest in ergonomic chairs and adjustable desks to support proper posture. Consider lighting and noise levels to create an optimal work environment.

When employees are physically comfortable, they can focus better on their tasks.

B. Modern Amenities

How about equipping your office with the latest technology and tools? Reliable, high-speed internet for smooth communication and data access. It will boost your employees’ efficiency.

You must provide them with powerful computers and software to handle daily tasks effortlessly. In fact, you can also set up smart meeting spaces with video conferencing. Setups like these will ensure support for both in-office and remote collaboration.

10. Celebrate Wins (Big and Small)

Celebrate Wins

A. Team Lunches

Bringing your team together over a meal can create a relaxed atmosphere. Your team can connect on a personal level in these gatherings. It's an opportunity to discuss ideas outside of formal meetings, celebrate achievements, and strengthen relationships.

You can encourage your employees to bring dishes that hold personal or cultural significance. Rotating who organizes these lunches can also make everyone feel valued and involved.

B. Peer-to-peer Recognition

A study by Select Software Reviews found that,

28% of employees feel that feedback from their peers has the greatest impact on their sense of acknowledgment.

Peer-to-peer recognition efforts can go a long way. Our peers are the ones who help us in fostering a collaborative work environment. They can also reinforce the idea that we’re all integral parts of a unified team.

(Source: Vantage Rewards)

This is how we like to recognize our peers. You can also develop your unique style of recognizing. If you wish, you can also seek assistance from platforms like ours.

C. Social Media Shout-outs

Social Shoutouts

How about giving your employees a boost with social media shout-outs? Recognize their hard work and achievements publicly on your company’s social media channels. These acknowledgments not only highlight their contributions but also show your appreciation.

You can share their success stories, project milestones, or even day-to-day efforts that make a difference. Tagging them in these posts will make the recognition more personal and meaningful.

5 Key Benefits of Making Employees Feel Valued at Work

Beyond the paycheck, employees crave appreciation for their contributions. The way you value your employees can significantly influence your company’s trajectory.

So, here are some benefits of making your employees feel valued at work.

Make Employees Feel Valued


When employees feel appreciated and recognized for their contributions, they’re more engaged, productive, and loyal. Such a positive work environment enhances individual job satisfaction. At the same time, it also strengthens team dynamics and overall company culture.

So, the next time you think of making your employees valued. Know that you’re on the right track.

This article is written by Sanjeevani Saikia who is a part of the marketing team at Vantage Circle. Sanjeevani loves to split her leisure time between reading and watching TedX. Her curiosity is easily piqued by the most recent developments in Human Resource Management and Organizational Psychology. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com.

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The Ultimate Guide to Employee Rewards and Recognition