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How to Improve Teamwork in The Workplace With 5 Innovative Ways

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For business leaders today, the key to success lies in the ability to improve teamwork and foster a collaborative workplace. However, establishing a robust workforce, particularly when the teams are dispersed, and remote, is easier said than done.

It requires a delicate balance of trust, communication, and a shared understanding of each team member's strengths and weaknesses. Without proper guidance and strategies in place, employees may find themselves in disagreement, which might hinder progress and give rise to conflicts.

In this blog, we will explore a wide range of strategies and best practices that can help you unlock the full potential of your team, regardless of their work arrangements.

From fostering open communication channels to embracing diverse perspectives, we will explore proven techniques that have transformed ordinary groups into extraordinary teams.

Key Takeaways

  • How to Improve Teamwork in the Workplace?
  • How to Use SMART Goals to Improve Teamwork Among Employees
  • Why is Improving Teamwork Essential for Businesses?

What Businesses Can Do to Improve the Teamwork of Their Employees?

According to Gallup, teams that work effectively together can improve productivity by 25-35%.

Teamwork is the backbone of any successful organization. When employees collaborate effectively, it fosters a positive work environment that drives better business outcomes.

However, team building a cohesive and high-performing team is no easy feat. It requires constant effort and strategic initiatives from businesses. So, let's look at some of the strategies you can implement to cultivate a culture of teamwork.

1. Set SMART Goals and Distribute Them Through the Team

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Having clear goals is crucial for any team to work effectively together. By setting SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound – businesses can provide their teams with a clear roadmap for success.

Let's break down each element of the SMART framework with examples:

  • Specific Goals: These goals are clearly defined, specifying the desired outcomes and the actions required to achieve them.

For improving teamwork, a specific goal could be: "Enhance communication among team members by implementing daily scrum meetings". This goal specifies the action (implementing daily meetings) and the expected outcome (enhanced communication).

  • Measurable Goals: It enables teams to track their progress and celebrate milestones.

For example, to measure the effectiveness of the daily meetings, you could set a measurable target such as: "Increase the number of completed team projects by 15% within three months." This goal quantifies the improvement in teamwork through the increase in completed projects.

  • Achievable Goals: These types of goals should be challenging yet realistic, considering the team's capabilities and resources.

An achievable goal for teamwork improvement could be: "Organize quarterly team-building activities to strengthen relationships and trust among team members." This goal acknowledges the feasibility of organizing team-building activities within the team's available time and resources.

  • Relevant Goals: These types of goals should align with the team's objectives and contribute to the organization's overall mission.

A relevant goal could be: "Establish cross-functional project teams to encourage collaboration and knowledge-sharing across departments." This goal directly supports the broader objective of fostering a collaborative and cohesive team culture.

  • Time-bound Goals: It creates a sense of urgency and facilitates effective planning.

For instance, a time-bound goal could be: "Conduct annual team performance reviews to assess progress and identify areas for improvement." This goal sets a specific timeframe for evaluating the effectiveness of the team.

2. Foster Open Communication with Transparency and Active Listening

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Establishing a company culture where team members feel comfortable expressing their thoughts is crucial for strengthening relationships and building trust.

Encouraging regular one-on-one meetings with team members establishes a platform for open dialogues. These meetings provide an opportunity for managers to actively listen to their team members' perspectives, concerns, and suggestions.

Additionally, implementing transparent decision-making processes can build trust and accountability. When decisions are made openly and the rationale behind them is shared, team members feel informed and empowered.

Also, active listening by managers demonstrates respect for their team members' viewpoints and validates their contributions.

3. Build Psychological Safety with Empathy and Inclusion

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When team members feel psychologically safe, they are more likely to share their ideas, ask questions, and take risks without fear of criticism or judgment.

This requires leaders to create an atmosphere where mistakes are seen as opportunities for growth rather than reasons for punishment.

Furthermore, embracing people from diverse backgrounds and experiences enriches the team's collective intelligence and builds empathy. It allows team members to understand and appreciate each other's differences.

When there is psychological safety built on empathy and inclusion, team members feel respected, valued and comfortable being vulnerable.

4. Leverage Team Diversity with Skill Assessments and Role Rotation

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When employees from different backgrounds, experiences, and expertise come together, they bring a wealth of ideas and approaches to problem-solving.

However, to fully leverage this diversity, it's crucial to conduct formal assessments of each team member's capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses. These assessments enable you to assign roles and responsibilities more effectively.

Additionally, incorporating rotation practices within the team improves collaboration and knowledge exchange. This allows team members to leverage each other's skills and fosters cross-learning opportunities.

5. Implement Recognition and Reward Systems

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Recognizing and rewarding team members is a powerful motivator that reinforces positive behaviors. When employees feel appreciated and valued for their contributions, they become more motivated and engaged. This paves the way for better collaboration within the team.

While monetary rewards like bonuses or pay raises can be impactful, non-monetary rewards such as public shout-outs, spot awards or flexible work arrangements can also be highly motivating. It adds a personalized and an emotional touch that employees value a lot.

Virtual Awards by Vantage Rewards

Source: Vantage Circle

Furthermore, you can leverage recognition platforms to build a more cohesive and motivated team. By providing a structured system to acknowledge employee contributions, these platforms help improve teamwork, increase productivity, and better overall business outcomes

How to Improve Teamwork Among Employees?

1. Practice Active Participation and Offer Constructive Feedback

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Effective teamwork requires team members to actively engage in discussions, decision-making, and problem-solving. It could mean contributing ideas, sharing opinions, and being attentive during meetings and discussions. This active participation can help the team to leverage diverse insights and make informed decisions.

Moreover, offering constructive feedback to teammates serves as a valuable tool for personal and team growth. It helps in identifying areas for improvement and enhances overall team performance. By providing constructive feedback, team members can assist each other in their growth and development.

2. Offer Help and Support Proactively to Build Collaboration

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Offering support to your coworkers goes beyond waiting for them to ask for help. It's about proactively offering assistance when you see your team members facing challenges.

Moreover, sharing your knowledge and resources without expecting anything in return is a hallmark of a true team player.

In addition to supporting your team members, celebrating their successes is equally important. Recognizing and acknowledging their contributions reinforces their sense of accomplishment and motivates them to strive for excellence.

By publicly appreciating each other's achievements, team members can value and encourage each other, fostering a culture of peer-to-peer recognition in the workplace.

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Source: Vantage Rewards

3. Practice Empathy and Respectful Communication

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Effective teamwork is deeply rooted in the ability to understand and respect different perspectives. This entails making a conscious effort to view situations from your colleagues' points of view, even if their ideas diverge from your own.

Acknowledging and appreciating their contributions, regardless of agreement, is fundamental to building trust and collaboration within a team.

Additionally, clear and respectful communication plays a pivotal role in fostering this environment. By being respectful with their words and actions, team members can maintain a positive atmosphere and build stronger relationships.

4. Embrace Conflict Resolution and Focus on Collaborative Solutions

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Conflicts are inevitable in any team, but how they are handled can make or break team dynamics. Instead of viewing conflict as a negative, one must embrace it as an opportunity for growth and focus on finding collaborative solutions together.

A key strategy in conflict resolution is to focus on finding collaborative solutions that satisfy everyone involved. This approach involves actively listening to all viewpoints and working towards win-win outcomes.

5. Practice Self-Management and Time Management for Efficiency

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Effective teamwork relies on each individual's ability to manage their workload and contribute their fair share. This involves balancing tasks and deadlines to prevent overburdening colleagues or causing bottlenecks in the workflow.

Additionally, clear communication regarding progress and availability is crucial for facilitating smooth coordination among team members. It enables them to align their efforts effectively and ensures everyone is on the same page.

Furthermore, self-management and time management are foundational skills that support these principles of effective teamwork. By carefully organizing and prioritizing deadlines, employees can enhance their productivity and prevent unnecessary delays that might hinder the team's progress.


Teamwork is a collective effort that requires commitment from both the organization and its employees. By prioritizing these strategies, businesses can unlock the full potential of their teams in driving innovation, productivity, and overall organizational success.

Remember, fostering a strong team culture is an ongoing journey that requires consistent effort to sustain and nurture the spirit of collaboration.

This article was co-authored by Anshuman and Shikha Gogoi, who are part of the Marketing Team at Vantage Circle. For any queries reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com.

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