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5 Internal Company Newsletter Template Ideas and Examples

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Although internal company newsletters are sent to your own colleagues and employees, they shouldn't be taken for granted. They can be effective internal communication tools that keep your team members engaged, informed, and entertained when done correctly.

Company newsletters are the key to greater employee engagement. And engaged employees are more productive and contribute to your company's growth.

In fact, according to a Gallup report, businesses with a highly engaged workforce have 21% higher profitability.

The goal of your company newsletters should be to increase employee engagement. But how do you create an engaging company newsletter?

We'll cover five internal company newsletter ideas and examples to keep your team updated on the latest company news and keep them engaged.

Internal Company Newsletter Ideas and Template Examples

Having a selection of company newsletter templates saves you time while maintaining consistency in quality and staying on-brand with your company culture and message.

A company newsletter template will also help you publish content that consistently meets your team's expectations.

With that in mind, here are five practical companies' newsletter ideas with template examples to get the internal communications juice flowing. You can use most of them as standalone emails or a segment in your company newsletter.

1. New Employee Announcement

Is there a new member joining the team? Use this opportunity to present their profile and allow them to say a few words about themselves. Provide a recent photo and some background information for your employees to know them.

You can state their professional qualifications and any honors they hold. But it shouldn't sound like a resume — a personal angle usually works better. Add brief biographical information, hobbies, and fun facts to round off the announcement. You could even mention if they were referred by another employee to build a sense of team from the very first introduction.

That'll help your employees feel connected to the new team member. It'll also encourage fellow employees who share similar interests and hobbies to reach out and talk to the new member.

Here's a template example you can use:

Hello team,

Everyone at [company name] is thrilled to have [new employee name] joining our team. [New employee] has [number of years] experience working in [specific department], and we're extremely excited about what they'll bring to [company name]. Besides [new employee name] professional experience, they also enjoy [list hobbies and activities].

Make sure to give [new employee name] a warm welcome when you see them!

We're happy to have you on board!

(Source: Sender)

2. Company's Achievements and Commendable Employee Milestones Celebration

You can share your company's achievements in the internal employee newsletter. For example, you may have reached a landmark sales target or landed a prestigious client. That'll help you engage your staff and make them feel part of the success.

When a staff member, project team, or department also achieves a commendable feat, inform employees through the internal company newsletter so they can inspire the rest.

As a result, you'll build up a team spirit, encourage other staff to cheer on their team's achievements, and keep employees engaged.

Here's an example of a company newsletter email template congratulating an employee who's been promoted to a new role:

Hello team,

We're thrilled to announce [employee name] promotion to the Regional Sales and Marketing Manager.

[Employee name] joined the company [number of years] ago and has advanced through progressively more responsible positions in the sales and marketing department. They've played a key role in our newly acquired digital sales and marketing software. [Employee name] brings a wealth of experience, and we're excited about their new role in the company.

Please join us in congratulating [employee name] on his promotion.

3. Team and Employee Spotlight

Many departments and teams work independently and don't recognize other staff member's contributions to the company.

To solve this, create a team spotlight newsletter highlighting the teams' daily responsibilities and how their work fits in with the rest of the company, and celebrate their accomplishments.

Make this a regular when scheduling your internal newsletters. As a result, your whole organization (especially new employees) will be informed and feel they're part of something bigger.

4. Upcoming Events and Team Parties

Company parties, retreats, and getaways are popular these days. If your team is small, organizing them is relatively simple. But if you have many employees, planning everything will take a lot of time and effort.

You can avoid that hassle by including all the details in your employee newsletter about upcoming company events and what your staff should do to join.

After the event, prepare a summary, send videos and pictures, and get employee feedback to improve your next company event.

Here's an example:

Hello [name],

Ready to relax and refuel your creativity again? So are we, which is why we're hosting this year's company retreat at beautiful [location] on [date] starting at [time].

We'll have a lot of delicious food and drinks to keep us going between rounds of [activities].

Do you want to join in on the fun? We'll send you the full itinerary when you respond to this email with a simple "I'm in!"

We can't wait to hang out with you!

5. Surveys and Employee Feedback

Gathering feedback from employees is critical for a business to thrive. Feedback is also an essential component of daily team interactions and development plans.

You can use an email or online survey since it's quick and structured, allowing you to learn about your employees' opinions.

Ask your employees about anything: training opportunities, company benefits, workplace satisfaction, or a recent company retreat. Just make sure your staff feels safe sharing and isn't judged based on the results.

Here's an example:

Hi team,

We want to ensure that this is a fantastic place to work and that you all love your jobs. We'd appreciate it if you could spend some time answering some questions about job satisfaction at [company name].

All responses will be anonymous to encourage participation, and we'll share the results with the entire company at our next meeting.

Looking forward to your responses!

In Conclusion: Use Email Marketing Automation to Create Stunning Company Newsletters

Hopefully, these five internal newsletter ideas have inspired you to make the most of your internal communication. With the template examples we've shared above, you're ready to engage your employees like never before.

Email marketing automation simplifies workflows and helps you personalize your newsletters with relevant content. As a result, it boosts your chances of getting high-quality leads and increases your revenue. Source: Sender

If you're looking to leverage email marketing automation to personalize your company newsletters, Sender is your go-to platform.

Skirmantas Venckus is a writer by day and a prolific reader by night. He hates talking about himself in the third person. He is also the growth hacker at Sender.net – the email marketing provider that is focused on user-friendliness, affordability, and utility. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com.

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