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A Must-Have Checklist For Your New Year’s Corporate Party

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The countdown to the New Year has finally begun, and you would agree that there’s one thing that is more important than everything else. And that one thing is partying your way into the New Year. In this blog, we have curated a must-have checklist for your new year’s corporate party. Let’s dive in!

Read our blog on: 16 Best Office Party Ideas That are(actually) Out of the Box

Yes! The chill in the air, the cool breeze, and the already-present festive vibe make the ideal setting for a year-ending celebration! As we welcome the new year and look for new ways to foster workplace camaraderie and promote employee engagement in a fun way, a New Year's corporate party is a must to set the tone.

How To Get Started With Your New Year’s Corporate Party?

Whether you work for a small business or a large corporation, planning a party requires careful attention to every detail, right from the menu to the décor.

And to ensure that your party preparation goes smoothly, we have compiled the most crucial aspects for New Year's party planning. In addition, we have also included a few party ideas that you may try out.

Read on.

Also read: Top 10 New Year Gift Ideas To Show Appreciation To Employees

A Must-Have Checklist For Your New Year's Corporate Party


New Year’s Corporate Party Planning Checklist: Approx.1 Month In Advance

1. Look out for the perfect party location

You could transform your office into a lovely party location for a modest gathering. However, if you anticipate a huge number of people and a lot of music, dance, and entertainment activities, choose a large enough party location. Since New Year's Eve parties tend to be popular, you should book a venue well in advance to ensure you get the one you want.

Look for some off-beat locations to make your event even more unique. In that case, you can book it at a later date.

Make certain that the venue you select meets your needs. Do they provide all the services you'll require, such as food and drink, lighting arrangements, decorations, sound systems, and so on, or will you have to organize these separately?

2. Send out invitations at a good time


To invite your employees to the celebration, you must send a formal New Year's Party invitation. Create a year-end party invitation that specifies every detail, including the event's timing and location. Also, specify the event theme and dress code if you want to have one. Make it clear in the invitations if employees' families are invited.

Send invitations via email or social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You can also make it all the more special by sending hand-delivered cards.

An easily interpretable "Let's welcome the new year with a party!" message on a new year's invitation is always perfect and gets to the point immediately.

3. Decide on the menu

Consider whether any of your guests have food allergies, are vegan, or have other dietary restrictions before deciding on a menu.

Regarding food options, you can have lengthy, personalized menus that match everyone's wants and expectations.

Aside from the main meal, you can amaze your coworkers by including the following:

  • Small nibble corners with a wide variety of appetizers to cure hangovers or unexpected hunger.
  • Arrange everyone's favorite treats in a surprise box and include a charming card with a motivating message or a good wish.
  • Your sweet-toothed guests will love a dessert bar. It can also improve the aesthetics of your party while adding an interactive aspect.

You may also set up interactive stations, such as a “make your own smores' station or a waffle station where visitors can create their own waffle sundaes with the ice cream and candies.

  • No matter what type of food you provide, cocktails will be the highlight of your New Year's Eve corporate event for most of your guests. So make the necessary arrangements for a mind-blowing drink to start the year right.

If you decide to serve alcohol at your party, proceed with caution. It would be helpful if you told your staff that you expect accountability from them, which includes not exceeding the recommended amount of these drinks in order to keep the environment pleasant.

4. If it’s a themed party

When selecting a party theme for your employees, always ensure it is relevant, fun, and above all, not tone-deaf. Also, make sure it's acceptable for the event, environment, and company culture. Ensure that the HR team starts prepping for the event way beforehand to avoid any complications.

New Year’s Corporate Party Planning Checklist: Approx. 1 To 2 Weeks In Advance

1. Create a decorating plan

Make plans for your party decorations. You can also enlist the assistance of DIY-inclined coworkers, especially if you wish to use their handicrafts. Organize fireworks ahead of time and select an appropriate viewing location nearby.

2. Choose the music


The music you play will determine the tempo and ambiance of your party. Make a plan and enlist the guidance of a music-savvy member of the staff. You don't want to mess up the music, believe me. And, don’t hesitate to locate someone in your team who would be willing to take on the role of 'DJ.'

3. Order baked food


If you want to avoid the rush and the stress, pre-order your cakes and bakeries ahead to get them delivered on time!

4. Plan extra events like:

  • Dance Party
    Any new year’s corporate party would be incomplete without some beautiful numbers to dance to. To make it special, choose a theme for your dance party: 90s, 80s, Bollywood, Hollywood, or Disco! You can invite a prominent Bollybeats dance expert to join you all in this!

  • Gratitude exercise
    Every year brings up a variety of feelings for every one of us, and the current year is no exception. To conclude on a lighter note, ask every one of your employees to share one moment that made the current year memorable for them. Let the anchor bring everyone together in the limelight!

  • Live stand-up comedy performance
    It would be fantastic if you could bring in a stand-up comedian to entertain and make your employees laugh their hearts out. This act, which is available with celebrity and non-celebrity alternatives, is very entertaining and well-liked by corporate personnel. 2 weeks is a good time in advance to book the show.

  • Consider the countdown clock
    The ultimate moment of ringing in the New Year would be so much fun if you included a countdown clock wall in the party. To go above and beyond, hang a net full of balloons from the ceiling or have glitter or confetti thrown across the crowd at midnight.

  • Make arrangements to raise a toast to your team
    Whatever you're toasting about—a fantastic year in the books, the future of the company, the new year, or being surrounded by such a talented team—make it a point to cheer them on. Grab a glass of sparkling wine, champagne, a cocktail, or some bubbly fruit juice, and salute your squad. A few words of encouragement and recognition can go a long way.

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New Year’s Corporate Party Planning Checklist: 2 To 1 Day In Advance

1. Prepare your event venue


If it's in your office, make sure the party areas and restrooms are clean. If you're renting a space, read your lease carefully to know if you'll be liable for cleanliness at any point.

2. Pick up your bakery orders


You'll undoubtedly be in a rush, but attempt to look inside the bakery boxes before driving away to ensure everything is there and looks as you expected.

3. Keep your payments ready


Prepare tip envelopes for party entertainment and staff, and enlist volunteers to assist with cleanup the following day.

New Year’s Corporate Party Planning Check: D-Day

1. Buy the ice


Although ice may not be the talk of the party, it can quickly become a problem if you run out. Any event serving drinks needs plenty of ice, especially if the event is held outside.

Don't be hesitant to delegate this responsibility to someone else. Just make certain they bring a cooler to keep it in.

For outdoor events, a larger ice cube is preferable over a smaller one. Large ice does not melt as quickly as small, smashed ice.

2. Make the final decorations

Set the tables with DIY decorations, centerpieces, sleek table covers, lovely lighting, sparkling accessories, and cheeky banners for photos. These little extras will impress your guests without breaking the bank.

3. Arrange for the after-party clean-up


Finally, once the party is over, clean up. Hire take-down workers to assist you in disassembling your rentals and decor.

In addition to the items listed above, here are a few more to consider if you're dealing with a commercial event venue:

  • Take care of the parking situation. What is its location? Is it completely free? Who will valet and collect the money?
  • Is that equipment available at the site if you need audio or video equipment for slideshows or presentations?
  • In an emergency, find out how to reach the facility management.
  • Find out if any guests will require overnight lodging assistance.

This article is written by Susmita Sarma, a digital marketer at Vantage Circle. She was involved with media relations before shifting her interest to research and creative writing. Apart from being a classical music buff, she keeps a keen interest in anchoring and cooking. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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