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5 Ways To Improve Your Organizational Development Process

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Any company that wants to succeed in today's world must invest in organizational development. Any company can gain a competitive advantage when its leaders understand how to maximize its potential. But, a lack of understanding on how to use it might stifle business growth.

To remain relevant in today's time, companies must stay ahead of the curve. This calls for business leaders to focus on particular tasks, such as:

  • Improving the management process

  • Aligning long term vision and plans

  • Upgrading workplace structure

  • Good people management

  • Analytics and metrics for change

It may vary with different organizations, but the idea remains the same. It is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.

In this article, we will look at how businesses can use organizational development to fulfill their goals. So, without further ado, let's get started.

What is Organizational development?


Organizational development is the application of science-based processes to increase the performance of a company. It entails developing, enhancing, and bolstering new strategies to achieve better success.

The key elements involved in this process are-

  • A scientific approach that is based on evidence and a proper structure. It is more about experimenting with research-backed methods and tests their effectiveness.

  • Strengthen organizational capacity to achieve tremendous success. It involves financial performance, customer satisfaction, and employee experience in the workplace.

  • Improving the structural process for high performance and engagement of the workforce.

Leaders need to recognize that without innovation, growth would also be stagnant. It is tough to keep a workplace afloat without timely development. While your current procedures and processes may be ideal, they might not be so in the future.

Such changes, however, are impossible to forecast. As a result, you must remain prepared for any future shift by conducting timely research and development.

The Organizational Development Process


Organizational development (OD) tasks are sometimes housed within Human Resource departments. The majority of the time, though, this isn't the case.

Consultants or OD practitioners that specialize in change management frequently carry out the approach. You must acknowledge the method to aid them in the long run better.

Let's look at the step-by-step process of organizational development:

1. Entry

The first step of the process represents the initial point of contact with the problem, situation, or opportunity. It's all about determining where your company stands. This is followed by planning the approach according to the expectations.

Moreover, it gives you a better understanding of the scope of development.

2. Diagnosis

The second phase includes data collection and acknowledging the root cause of the problem. Gathering, analyzing, and reviewing the situation is a collaborative effort inside the company.

3. Feedback

This is a crucial step where the consultant has to present the acquired information to the leaders. It needs to be simple, descriptive, relevant, and comparative.

The key focus is to have an in-depth understanding of the situation and implementation of the necessary strategy. It will ensure that the right action plan is taken for organizational development.

Recommended Resource: The Brief Guide To Collecting Employee Feedback During Onboarding

4. Solution

In this stage, relevant solutions are developed from the feedback and diagnosis. The goal is to bridge the gaps that are hampering the company’s growth.

The approach needs to be structured so that there are no drawbacks while implementing the solutions. One crucial action is to document every detail that will help you keep track of your progress.

5. Evaluation

This stage involves the continuous analysis of the implemented solutions. It is done to determine whether the initiative is meeting the goals and targets. The output is to evaluate the report for constant improvement in the long run.

5 Ways To Elevate Your Organizational Development Process

1. Make it Employee-Centric


With the onset of 2021, our battle with the Covid-19 pandemic is still on. In the past year, a lot has changed. Work from home has become the new work culture, and digitization is at its peak.

In between all the chaos, one thing has improved in the corporate environment. That is people management. Companies have realized the need to create a positive work environment while focusing on the people.

With each passing day, organizational development takes a new direction. But the most critical factor is that the development should focus on being employee-centric. It should include-


As a leader, you need to be more open to positive change. You need to make the employees aware that the development is focused more on them. This will help them become confident and adapt to the changes well.

2. Focus on Performance Management!


Performance management has always been a hot topic among leaders. And with the current pandemic, the focus has grown even more. However, organizations still need to fill the gap that will go hand in hand with change.

As we all know, performance management is the process that identifies and measures different ways to improve work performance.

But how is it relevant to development?

Well, to improve performance with the changing dynamics, you need to adapt and change strategies. Doing so will help you explore endless possibilities to enhance performance and employee engagement.

Moreover, the pandemic has slowed down the performance of the workforce. The main reason is that the organizations were unprepared for handling it effectively. Thus, it is vital to ensure that nothing like this ever happens if a crisis arises.

The development process should focus on-


Remember that your purpose is to boost performance while focusing on positive development.

Recommended Resource: Performance Management: How To Do It Right?

3. Elevate Employee Satisfaction!


In the current work environment, employee satisfaction has become crucial. Not only does it improve productivity, but it also reduces turnover.

And with the constant development of organizations, leaders lose interest in improving satisfaction levels. But you must focus on it. Satisfied employees will be monumental in delivering organizational change. They are also most likely to get on board any new change if they are actively involved in it.

To keep your intentions intact of elevating employee satisfaction, you need to-


You must acknowledge the need for a system that will elevate your efforts to increase job satisfaction. Make the workforce aware of the things you want to do and keep the communication transparent.

4. Think of Employee Wellness!


Employee wellness has continually changed over time. And to tackle those changes, you need to be tactical with your approach. In the current context, it needs to be compatible with the organizational change you want to bring.

And to tackle such issues, you must focus on employee wellness. Do not include employee wellness programs just for the sake of it. The employees must benefit from the wellness initiatives.

You need to come up with a wellness plan that can cope with the constant changes. Your new strategies for an updated wellness program can include-


Try to do in-depth research and build a program that suits your needs and work culture. If it does not comply with your standards, then, in the long run, you will not get a return on your investment. This can negatively affect your efforts and hamper your developmental progress.

5. Restructuring the Work Culture!


For organizational development to be successful it needs to be implemented at the very foundation. And by a foundation, I mean the company culture and its core values.

Development does not always have to be on upgrading systems or modernizing. Sometimes it is more about human principles and values. These values have to reflect on the work culture positively.

With time, you have to restructure your culture often. Otherwise, it will not be able to cope up with the fast-paced corporate world. To do that, you need to focus on-


It is essential that as a leader you understand the work dynamics of your workplace. When you have a better understanding, development becomes easier. On top of that, you will have a firm grip on what are the cultural changes your organization needs. Doing so will bring you greater success in the long run.

Summing it Up!

The task of organizational development is not an easy task. It takes a considerable amount of time and effort. You need to strategize it well and execute it. The idea is to make the process smoother and help the growth of your organization. Remember to be flexible and open to innovative ideas that your workforce suggests so that the community is strong within the roots.

(Note: All the images used in the blog are taken from Unsplash and Canva.)

Mrinmoy Rabha is a content writer and digital marketer at Vantage Circle. He is an avid follower of football and passionate about singing. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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