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8 Super Useful Tips To Improve Respect In The Workplace

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Workplaces are a reflection of society at large. Disrespectful behavior at work is a severe problem that is getting worse. According to an article published by Harvard Business Review, in a survey by Georgetown University of nearly 20,000 employees worldwide, respondents ranked ‘respect in the workplace’ as the most important leadership behavior. Yet more and more employees report disrespectful and uncivil behavior each year, which affects their performance and job satisfaction.

Instead of this picture, we can still make a difference by adopting a positive work culture with core values. Here are eight tips that will help you to restore respect in the workplace by being proactive.

8 Tips To Demonstrate Respect In The Workplace

1. Focus On How You Deliver Your Words.

People read your body language, voice tone, and your outer attitude in every interaction that you make. Every expression adds to the words that you speak. So, before you speak or act, consider that it will impact others. And by doing this, you will also earn the respect you deserve, quite easily.

2. Listen To Your Employees Actively.

“As a leader, you need to have a strong voice, and you need to know when it’s time to listen,” says Amy Jen Su, co-owner of Paravis Partners, an executive training and coaching firm.

You should try not to get distracted when your employees speak. The first thing you need here is the will to listen. Get a mindset that allows you to understand the value of listening skills in the workplace, especially if you are the manager. It improves communication and is a great way to amplify your employees'voice.

Secondly, let’s not hurry and let your employee’s messages be delivered fully before you start your part. Third, verify and clarify what you say or hear. Avoid assumptions, and express your gratitude for the information (even if it is bad news).

At last, close the conversation with a closure summary and ‘what’s next?’ points.

3. Praise More, Criticize Less.

Constructive criticism is masterful, but praise strengthens the core of your employees. It’s a pretty simple concept that praise increases employee satisfaction and happiness. Here are a few tips to praise your team members effectively-

  • Make use of great rewards and recognition program, with genuine and authentic appreciation.

  • Get specific and tell them why you are praising them so that they can continue with their best efforts.

  • Appreciate them in public, doubling their motivation as well as making others strive for similar excellent performance, thus increasing productivity.

  • Don’t fail to appreciate their efforts even if they have not stood upto your expectations. It will encourage employees and ensure something positive shortly.

4. Effectively Handle Potential Conflicts.

Conflicts have a direct negative impact on respect in the workplace. You should develop a plan to work on conflicts, actively listen while identifying points of agreement and disagreements. It will ensure swift and fair tackling of issues, treating people with respect and dignity, and thus encouraging a culture of positive employee relations.

5. Make Diversity And Inclusion Efforts.

Creating diverse and inclusive environments for employees at all levels is a significant role of employers. Treat your employees the same no matter their race, religion, age, etc. The treatment of all employees you interact with should be equal. It calls for open communication, removing political and physical differences, creating equal opportunities for employees, and an overall dynamic workplace.

6. Avoid Gossip, Complaints, And Other Forms Of Negativity.

What Paul says about Peter tells us more about Paul than about Peter ― Baruch Spinoza

If you value your respect, only then can you value others’ respect. Be responsible for your actions and know that it will influence how others will perceive you. Please get rid of gossips, minimize the scope of complaints, and let your employees feel like they’re in a friendly work environment.

7. Support Them Outside The Workplace.

Most employers fail to realize that employees need a work-life balance. As an employer, it’s your responsibility to carve out their personal time from office life. Like say, do not drag them to work when it’s a holiday, spare them from calls once they are out for home, know what interests them beyond their official duties, reduce stress, and support them to grow. Honestly, if you take these seriously for them, they will return the respect.

8. Treat Just Like You’d Like To Be Treated.

Kindness, courtesy, and politeness are the three basics that you need to get right in treating your employees. Avoid name-calling, condescending, dictating, or insulting them for sharing their ideas. Raising voice to your employees show a lack of respect. You should help them with the right way to do the work.

Importance Of Demonstrating Respect In The Workplace

1. Respect in the workplace helps in employee engagement.

Respect for coworkers is one of the simplest ways to fight the problem of employee disengagement. If you hire good people, you must respect their opinions and the flexibility to complete their tasks. Employees are instantly motivated when they realize that upper management values and respects them and their job. In the same way, employees are less stressed and more committed to their tasks when they sense their coworkers value them.

Know more here: What is Employee Engagement? Everything You Need To Know

2. Workplace respect forms the foundation of quality work.

There is no place for harassment, favoritism, or bullying when managers respect their employees. Every employee has the same voice as their coworkers, and all ideas, no matter where they come from, are valued. As a result, a sense of fairness is established, and negativity is reduced. When the environment is perfect, it forms the foundation of quality work.

3. Respect in the workplace supports innovation and collaboration.

Employees that are respected are more likely to think creatively and work hard. Such workplaces become a hub where employees and supervisors may learn and improve their abilities. You can also start cross-training and informal learning across all sectors once your employees interact.

4. Workplace respect is important for your diversity and inclusion efforts.

Women's rights, cultural and ethnic diversity, age and disability equality, and gender rights are all issues that are constantly growing in today's workplace. Infact, diversity and inclusion in the workplace are no longer limited to physical characteristics. Disparities in work styles, age differences, and personalities are all part of it. Employees from all categories work in the same office, although they may not always comprehend one other's methods. And the best way to tap into your organization's valuable variety is to respect your coworkers and employees.

This article is written by Susmita Sarma, a digital marketer at Vantage Circle. She was involved with media relations before shifting her interest in research and creative writing. Apart from being a classical music buff, she keeps a keen interest in anchoring and cooking. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com

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