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Types Of Employee Recognition-All You Need To Know

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In our workplace, employee recognition is the heartbeat of our culture – it fuels our passion, inspires our efforts, and celebrates our victories. Join us as we uncover the power of recognition, where every thank you, every nod of appreciation, paints a brighter picture of our collective success.

83.6% Of Employees Feel That Recognition Affects Their Motivation To Succeed At Work

By Structure

Formal Recognition

Formal recognition programs are structured initiatives within organizations designed to acknowledge and reward employees' achievements and contributions systematically and officially. Here are some examples:

Employee of the Month/Quarter/Year
Recognizing outstanding employees regularly for their exceptional performance, dedication, and contributions to the organization.

Performance Awards
Acknowledging employees who consistently meet or exceed performance goals, demonstrating excellence in their work and achieving measurable results.

Long-Service Awards
Honoring employees for their years of service and dedication to the organization, typically given at milestone anniversaries such as 5, 10, or 20 years.

Innovation Awards
Celebrating employees who develop creative solutions, implement innovative ideas, and drive positive organizational change.

Formal recognition programs demonstrate the organization's commitment to valuing and appreciating its employees' efforts and contributions, leading to increased morale, engagement, and retention.

Informal Recognition

Informal recognition refers to spontaneous and unscheduled gestures of appreciation and acknowledgment within the workplace. These expressions of recognition are often more personal and immediate, fostering a positive and supportive work environment. Here are some examples:

Verbal Praise
Offering appreciation and acknowledgment during team meetings, one-on-one conversations, or casual interactions.

Thank-You Notes
Sending handwritten or electronic notes expressing gratitude for a job well done or a specific contribution.

Peer-to-Peer Recognition
Encouraging employees to acknowledge and appreciate their colleagues' contributions through informal channels such as social media platforms, team chats, or group messages.

Spot Awards
Providing on-the-spot recognition for exceptional performance or exceeding expectations, such as a gift card, small token, or verbal acknowledgment.

Informal recognition plays a vital role in reinforcing positive behaviors, boosting morale, and building a culture of appreciation within the organization. It complements formal recognition programs and ensures that employees feel valued and recognized for their contributions on a day-to-day basis.

By Focus


Performance-based recognition involves acknowledging and rewarding employees for achieving specific performance goals or exceeding expectations. Here's how it works:

  • Clear Objectives: Establish performance goals, metrics, and expectations aligned with the organization's objectives and individual roles.

  • Regular Feedback: Provide ongoing feedback and coaching to employees on their performance, highlighting areas of strength and opportunities for improvement.

  • Recognition Criteria: Define criteria for performance-based recognition, such as meeting sales targets, completing projects ahead of schedule, or delivering exceptional customer service.

  • Formal Awards: Implement formal recognition programs, such as Employee of the Month, Quarterly Awards, or Performance Bonuses, to reward employees who demonstrate outstanding performance.

  • Public Acknowledgment: Publicly acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of high-performing employees through company-wide announcements, team meetings, or special events.

  • Continuous Improvement: Continuously review and adjust performance criteria and recognition programs based on feedback and changes in business priorities to ensure fairness and effectiveness.

Performance-based recognition motivates employees to excel in their roles. It reinforces a culture of accountability, excellence, and continuous improvement within the organization.


Effort-based recognition focuses on acknowledging and appreciating employees for their hard work, dedication, and commitment, regardless of the outcomes achieved. Here's how it works:

Recognizing Initiative

  • Acknowledge employees who consistently demonstrate initiative.
  • Proactively take on additional responsibilities.
  • Go the extra mile to contribute to the team's success.

Appreciating Persistence Recognize employees who persevere in overcoming challenges and obstacles, even if the desired results are not immediately achieved.

Celebrating Teamwork

  • Acknowledge employees who actively collaborate with colleagues.
  • Support team members.
  • Contribute positively to a collaborative and supportive work environment.

Acknowledging Learning and Growth
Recognize employees who invest time and effort in personal and professional development, such as attending training programs, acquiring new skills, or taking on stretch assignments.

Informal Gestures of Appreciation
Express gratitude and appreciation for employees' efforts through informal gestures such as thank-you notes, verbal praise, or small tokens of appreciation.

Effort-based recognition acknowledges the importance of hard work and dedication in driving organizational success, motivating employees to continue putting forth their best effort and contributing positively to the workplace culture.


Value-based recognition focuses on acknowledging and rewarding employees for demonstrating behaviors and actions that align with the organization's core values. Here's how it works:

Identifying Core Values
Clearly define the core values that reflect the organization's mission, vision, and culture, such as integrity, teamwork, innovation, customer focus, or diversity.

Linking Behaviors to Values
Identify specific behaviors and actions that exemplify each core value, clarifying how employees can demonstrate these values in their daily work.

Observing and Recognizing
Observe and recognize employees who consistently demonstrate behaviors aligned with the organization's core values, whether it's going above and beyond to help a colleague, delivering exceptional customer service, or showing integrity in difficult situations.

Public Acknowledgment
Publicly acknowledge and celebrate employees who embody the organization's core values through company-wide announcements, team meetings, or special recognition events.

Integration into Performance Management
Incorporate value-based recognition into performance management processes, such as performance evaluations, goal-setting discussions, and promotions, to reinforce the importance of living the organization's values.

Value-based recognition reinforces the organization's culture and fosters a sense of alignment, purpose, and belonging among employees, ultimately driving engagement, retention, and organizational success.


Milestone-based recognition involves acknowledging and celebrating important career milestones and achievements employees reach. Here's how it works:

Identifying Milestones
Identify significant career milestones that employees may reach during their tenure with the organization, such as work anniversaries, promotions, completion of training programs, or reaching performance milestones.

Acknowledging Accomplishments
Acknowledge and celebrate employees' achievements when they reach these milestones, recognizing their dedication, growth, and contributions to the organization.

Personalized Recognition
Provide personalized recognition tailored to each milestone, such as a congratulatory message from leadership, a certificate of achievement, a commemorative gift, or a special event in their honor.

Continuous Engagement
Maintain ongoing communication and engagement with employees as they progress through their careers, regularly recognizing and celebrating new milestones as they are achieved.

Integration into Culture
Integrate milestone-based recognition into the organization's culture and practices, ensuring employees feel valued and appreciated for their long-term commitment and contributions.

Milestone-based recognition celebrates employees' journey and accomplishments throughout their careers, fostering a sense of pride, loyalty, and motivation to continue striving for excellence.

By Delivery:

Public Recognition:

Public recognition involves acknowledging and celebrating employees' achievements and contributions publicly and clearly within the organization. Here's how it works:

  • Acknowledgment in Meetings:
    Recognize employees' accomplishments during team meetings, departmental gatherings, or company-wide assemblies. This allows peers and leaders to express appreciation and applause for their efforts.

  • Company-Wide Announcements:
    Share news of employee achievements through company-wide announcements, newsletters, or internal communication channels. This ensures that everyone in the organization is aware of and celebrates the successes of their colleagues.

  • Social Media Recognition:
    Highlight employee accomplishments on the company's social media channels, such as LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram. This showcases their achievements to external stakeholders and reinforces their value within the organization.

  • Recognition Boards or Walls:
    Create physical or virtual recognition boards or walls where employees' achievements are prominently displayed. This reminds them of their contributions and motivates others to strive for excellence.

  • Award Ceremonies or Events:
    Host formal award ceremonies or events where employees are publicly recognized and honored for their outstanding performance, dedication, and contributions. This allows employees to receive recognition from their peers, leaders, and the broader organization.

Public recognition not only celebrates individual achievements but also fosters a culture of appreciation, camaraderie, and motivation within the organization. It highlights the importance of recognizing and valuing employees' efforts and contributions to the company's overall success.

Private Recognition:

Private recognition involves acknowledging and appreciating employees' achievements and contributions in a more personal and confidential manner. Here's how it works:

  • Personalized Emails: Send personalized emails to employees expressing gratitude and appreciation for their contributions, efforts, or accomplishments. This provides a private and direct recognition that highlights their impact.

  • Handwritten Notes: Write handwritten notes or cards to employees, expressing sincere thanks and recognition for their hard work, dedication, or exceptional performance. Handwritten notes add a personal touch and show that the recognition is genuine and heartfelt.

  • One-on-One Conversations: Schedule one-on-one meetings with employees to privately discuss their achievements, progress, and contributions. Use these conversations as an opportunity to express appreciation and acknowledge their efforts.

  • Personalized Recognition Gifts: Provide employees with personalized recognition gifts, such as engraved items, gift cards, or tokens of appreciation, to recognize their specific accomplishments or milestones. These gifts serve as tangible reminders of their value to the organization.

  • Private Praise: Offer employees private words of praise and encouragement during casual conversations or informal interactions. Recognize their achievements and contributions in a discreet manner that respects their privacy and confidentiality.

Private recognition demonstrates a personal and thoughtful approach to acknowledging employees' efforts and contributions. It fosters a sense of appreciation, loyalty, and motivation by recognizing individuals' unique strengths and accomplishments in a private and meaningful way.

By Reward

Intrinsic Recognition:

Intrinsic recognition refers to the satisfaction and motivation that individuals derive from their work or contributing to a meaningful cause. Here's how it works:

  • Sense of Achievement: Employees experience intrinsic recognition when they feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in their work, knowing they have contributed to the organization's goals and objectives.

  • Autonomy and Mastery: Intrinsic recognition is often linked to feelings of autonomy and mastery, where employees can work independently and develop their skills and expertise in areas that interest them.

  • Purpose and Meaning: Employees feel intrinsically recognized when they believe their work is meaningful and aligned with their values, contributing to a greater purpose or mission they are passionate about.

  • Positive Feedback: Intrinsic recognition can also stem from receiving positive feedback and validation from peers, supervisors, or clients, affirming the value and impact of their contributions.

  • Intrinsic Rewards: While extrinsic rewards such as bonuses or promotions can motivate employees, intrinsic rewards such as a sense of fulfillment, personal growth, and job satisfaction are often more enduring and meaningful sources of recognition.

Intrinsic recognition fosters a sense of engagement, commitment, and fulfillment among employees by acknowledging the inherent value and meaning of their work and contributions. It emphasizes the importance of creating a work environment that nurtures individuals' intrinsic motivation and fosters a sense of purpose and fulfillment in their roles.

Extrinsic Recognition:

Extrinsic recognition involves tangible rewards or incentives provided to employees in recognition of their achievements, contributions, or performance. Here's how it works:

  • Financial Rewards: Extrinsic recognition often takes the form of financial incentives such as bonuses, raises, or profit-sharing programs awarded to employees for meeting or exceeding performance goals.

  • Material Gifts: Employees may receive material gifts or rewards as extrinsic recognition, including gift cards, merchandise, or luxury items, as a token of appreciation for their efforts and contributions.

  • Additional Benefits: Extrinsic recognition can include additional benefits or perks such as extra paid time off, flexible work arrangements, or exclusive company events or experiences.

  • Public Recognition: While public acknowledgment of achievements can also be intrinsic when coupled with tangible rewards or incentives, it becomes an irrelevant form of recognition that enhances its impact and effectiveness.

  • Career Advancement: Opportunities for career advancement, promotions, or special assignments can serve as extrinsic recognition, providing employees with tangible evidence of their growth and development within the organization.

Extrinsic recognition supplements intrinsic motivation by providing tangible rewards and incentives that reinforce desired behaviors and outcomes. It is a powerful tool for motivating and engaging employees, driving performance, and fostering a culture of appreciation and recognition within the organization.

Tips for Greater Employee Recognition:

  • Timeliness and Specificity: Ensure recognition is timely, specific, and tailored to the individual's achievements, making it more meaningful and impactful.

  • Personalization: Consider the individual's preferences and what would be most meaningful to them, whether it's public acknowledgment, a handwritten note, or a small gift.

  • Diverse Approaches: Combine different types of recognition, such as formal awards, peer-to-peer appreciation, and personalized gestures, to cater to diverse needs and preferences within the team.

  • Creativity and Experimentation: Be creative and open to experimentation regarding recognition strategies, exploring new ideas and approaches to find what works best for your organization and employees' morale and engagement.

To Wrap it Up!

Employee recognition plays a pivotal role in cultivating a positive work environment, boosting morale, and fostering employee engagement and loyalty. By implementing various types of recognition, organizations can effectively acknowledge and appreciate the diverse contributions of their employees. Whether through formal programs, informal gestures, intrinsic or extrinsic rewards, milestone acknowledgments, public or private recognition, each approach serves to reinforce desired behaviors, motivate individuals, and ultimately contribute to a culture of appreciation and success within the organization. By embracing a comprehensive and tailored approach to employee recognition, organizations can inspire excellence, nurture talent, and create a workplace where employees feel valued, motivated, and empowered to thrive.

A dreamer and an idealist in a long-term relationship with food and sleep, Lopamudra is more than thrilled to be part of the marketing team at Vantage Circle. When she is not in the vicinity or thinking about food, you can find her curled up in a corner with a good book and music. For any related queries, contact editor@vantagecircle.com.

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The Ultimate Guide to Employee Rewards and Recognition

The Ultimate Guide to Employee Rewards and Recognition